高一4班 Irene Roxy 高一5班 Silence
高一6班 Maggie Lake
继昨日重磅推出的天行学子系列之———“天行一中学霸天团”,我们收到了很多反馈,大家直呼不过瘾,纷纷要求我们展示更多的天行学子。这不,我们又来啦!今天小编要分享的是天行学子系列之二,故事的主人公是一位来天行才半年,雅思首考7分的孩子,我们一起来看看他到底是位怎样的传 奇学生。
在雅思届流传这样一句话:“考雅思,喝七喜,7 up听说读写门门七分以上。”让我们来一起看看这位同学雅思高分是不是和七喜有关。
In Teensen International School, there is a spring class, Class 2 Grade 11, which admitted excellent graduates from junior high schools. Among the 10 students who sit the IELTS test in August, all of them got high scores. One scored 7, seven scored 5.5, and two scored 5. As the student who got the 7 in IELTS, Bicheng Xu is the hero of today's story.
The first impression of Bicheng Xu was unexpected. He is young but gives a feeling of fortitude and vitality.Talking about his target universities, He said, “I'm a little crazy. I like Britain, so my goal is Oxford and Cambridge, and my bottom-line is top 20 in UK.”At first, I thought this child is overconfident, since it’s commonly known that it is not easy to get into Oxford, Cambridge or even the top20 universities in the UK. It was not until I had an in-depth communication with Xu and his class teacher that I realized that Xu was not boasting, but objective on his own ability. When you see his efforts, you will understand that his success will be inevitable in the future.
小班制的教学方式成为徐必成选择天行一中的加分项,在这里他得到了更多的关注和帮助。”我很喜欢office time,在这个时间里我可以享受到老师一对一的辅导。我每周必看家校互动的内容,每堂课我的表现都会第一时间发到我父母手上,这让父母也能在无形之中监督我学习,掌握我的学习动态,让父母更安心。”在这里,他每天都过得很充实,有趣的通识课程和各种各样的社团让他觉得高中生活丰富多彩。
In Teensen International School, the small size of class enables Xu to get more attention and help. “I like office time very much, during which I can enjoy face-to-face tutoring. I pay attention to the weekly communication between my family and the school. My performance in every class will be sent to my parents as soon as possible. This enables my parents to supervise my study, master my learning condition, and make them feel at ease.” Here, he lived fruitfully every day. The interesting general education courses and various clubs made his high school life colorful.
When talking of her son,Xu Bicheng's mother said proudly,"My son has been very disciplined since childhood, and I never needed to worry about his studies. He made his own decision to enroll in spring class of Teensen International School. He told us after the admission meeting that he really liked the career planning from Teensen. He said that he decided only study in Teensen and would not consider any other schools."
According to Bicheng Xu, “Teensen International School enables me to receive good quality education and brings me happiness and expectation." Teensen International School insists on providing students with better education and teaching environment, pays attention to fostering students' comprehensive ability and cultivating comprehensive talents.
Students in Teensen International School are shining like the bright stars in the night sky; and Bicheng Xu is just one of them. They gathered together to form a Milky Way in Teensen International School.Teensen International School will make the greatest effort to protect every child, to help them shine, and to become the brightest star in the night sky.
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